Sunday 1 March 2015

Anti-bullying Day

Bullying is a serious problem in many schools of today. Children are capable of being very nasty to one another and leaving hurtful comments that can stick with someone for years to come. It is therefore important to raise awareness of this offensive behaviour and encourage friendliness and self control towards others. "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."

On Friday the 27th March the learners of Kirstenhof Primary school celebrated Anti-bullying day. The learners came to school dressed in pink (both the boys and girls) to show their support for the cause. The learners in Grade 3D discussed what a bully was and how a bully can affect someone else's life. The discussion was of a serious nature and we as a class decided to pledge that we will not stand for bullying!

Say NO to bullying

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